#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use Getopt::Long; my $RCSID = '$Id: bkm2a 2770 2004-03-17 22:39:32Z lefevre $'; my ($proc,$vers,$dt) = $RCSID =~ /^.Id: (\S+) (\d+) (\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)Z/ or die; my $Usage = < \&help, 'browsehotlist|b' => \&dest, 'html|h=s' => \&dest, 'languages|l=s' => \&languages, 'nmirrors|m=i' => \$nmirrors, 'netscape|n' => \&dest, 'opera|o' => \&dest, 'stronghelp|s=s' => \&dest, 'version|v' => \&version) or die $Usage; push @lang, 'en'; @ARGV == 1 or die "$proc: there must be only one bkmfile.\n$Usage"; my $bkmfile = $ARGV[0]; open BKM, "<$bkmfile" or die "$proc: can't open bkmfile $bkmfile\n$!\n"; =~ /^!Bookmarks-1\.\d+!$/ or die "$proc: not a bkmfile\n"; =~ /^\s*iso-8859-1\s*$/i or die "$proc: only iso-8859-1 is currently supported\n"; =~ /^(\w+:\S+)?$/ or die "$proc: the 3rd line of a bkmfile must be either a URL or empty\n"; my ($time,%k,%d); { no strict 'refs'; &$dest; } sub help { print $Usage; exit; } sub dest { $dest ne '' and die "$proc: some options (destination format) are exclusive.\n$Usage"; ($dest,$dir) = @_; } sub languages { push @lang, split /,/, $_[1]; } sub version { print "$proc $vers ($dt)\n"; exit; } sub nextbkm { my $h = $_[0]; while () { if (/^Id:/i) { chomp; my $s = $_; my ($nm,$nd) = (0,0); while () { substr($_,0,1) eq '#' and next; /^\s+(\S.*)/ and $s .= " $1", next; $s =~ /^([^\s:]+):\s+(\S.*?)\s*$/ or die "$proc: bad format"; my ($key,$val) = ("\L$1\E",$2); $key =~ s/^(url-mirror)/$1.++$nm/e; $key =~ s/^(directory)/$1.++$nd/e; $h->{$key} = $val; /^\s*$/ and last; chomp($s = $_); } return 'b'; } if (substr($_,0,1) eq '$') { my $type; if (/^\$\s*keywords\[(\S+)\]$/i) { $type = 'k' } elsif (/^\$\s*directory\[(\S+)\]$/i) { $type = 'd' } else { die "$proc: bad format" } my $f = $1 eq $lang[0] or $type = '-'; while () { /^\s*$/ and last; /^"([^"]+)" -> "([^"]+)"$/ or die "$proc: bad format"; $f and $h->{$1} = $2; } return $type; } $_ eq "\n" || substr($_,0,1) eq '#' or die "$proc: bad format (next entry or translation sequence)"; } return; } sub get { my ($key,$h,$f) = @_; my $v = $h->{$key}; defined($v) and return $v; foreach (@lang) { defined($v = $h->{$key."[$_]"}) and return $v } foreach (keys %$h) { /^$key\[\S+\]/ and return $h->{$_} } $f and die "$proc: key $key not found"; return; } sub maketree { my ($root,$dir) = @_; $dir eq '' and return $root; my ($s,$t) = $dir =~ /^:\s*"([^"]+)"\s*(.*)/ or die "$proc: bad directory tail $dir\n"; my $subdirs = $root->[0]; defined $subdirs->{$s} or $subdirs->{$s} = [{}]; return &maketree($subdirs->{$s}, $t); } sub writetreebrowse { my ($root,$hdr) = @_; defined $hdr and print "


\n"; print "
    \n"; foreach (sort { &dtransl($a) cmp &dtransl($b) } keys %{$root->[0]}) { &writetreebrowse($root->[0]->{$_}, &dtransl($_)) } shift @$root; my $entry; foreach $entry (@$root) { foreach ($entry->[0], @{$entry->[1]}) { print "
  • $entry->[2]\n" } } print "
\n"; } sub writetreenetscape { my ($root,$indent,$hdr) = @_; defined $hdr and print ' 'x$indent, <


EOF print ' 'x$indent, "

\n"; foreach (sort { &dtransl($a) cmp &dtransl($b) } keys %{$root->[0]}) { &writetreenetscape($root->[0]->{$_}, $indent+4, &dtransl($_)) } shift @$root; my $entry; foreach $entry (@$root) { foreach ($entry->[0], @{$entry->[1]}) { print ' 'x$indent, <$entry->[2] EOF defined $entry->[3] and print "

$entry->[3]\n"; } } print ' 'x$indent, "

\n"; } sub writetreeopera { my ($root) = @_; my $order = 0; foreach (sort { &dtransl($a) cmp &dtransl($b) } keys %{$root->[0]}) { my $name = &dtransl($_); print <[0]->{$_}); print "-\n\n"; } shift @$root; my $entry; foreach $entry (@$root) { foreach ($entry->[0], @{$entry->[1]}) { print <[2] URL=$_ CREATED=$time VISITED=0 ORDER=$order EOF $order++; defined $entry->[3] and print "\tDESCRIPTION=$entry->[3]\n"; print "\n"; } } } sub dtransl { $d{$_[0]} || $_[0] } sub makebm { my ($root,$desc) = @_; my ($type,%h); while (%h = (), $type = &nextbkm(\%h)) { if ($type eq 'b') { $h{'valid'} =~ /^no$/i and next; my ($d,$i,@mirrors,@entry); push @entry, &get('url-main', \%h, 1); foreach $i (1..$nmirrors) { my $mirror = &get("url-mirror$i", \%h, 0); defined $mirror or last; push @mirrors, $mirror; } push @entry, \@mirrors; my $title = &get('title', \%h, 1); $title =~ s/\&?/&/g; $title =~ tr/<>/[]/; push @entry, $title; $desc and push @entry, &get('desc', \%h, 0); $i = 0; while (defined($d = &get('directory'.++$i, \%h, 0))) { my $aref = &maketree($root, ":$d"); push @$aref, \@entry; } } elsif ($type eq 'k') { %k = %h } elsif ($type eq 'd') { %d = %h } } } sub browsehotlist { my $root = [{}]; &makebm($root,0); print <<'EOF'; Hotlist EOF &writetreebrowse($root); print <<'EOF'; EOF } sub html { die "$proc: `html' option isn't currently supported\n$Usage"; } sub netscape { my $root = [{}]; $time = time; &makebm($root,1); print <<'EOF'; Bookmarks


EOF &writetreenetscape($root); } sub opera { my $root = [{}]; $time = time; &makebm($root,1); print "Opera Hotlist version 2.0\n\n"; &writetreeopera($root); } sub stronghelp { die "$proc: `stronghelp' option isn't currently supported\n$Usage"; }