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Vincent Lefèvre's Research Pages: Computer Arithmetic

I am an Inria researcher (Chargé de Recherche) at the Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon) in the Pascaline project (ex-AriC, ex-Arénaire). I mainly work on computer arithmetic (in particular, floating-point arithmetic and correct rounding, in fixed or arbitrary precision). I also participate in standardization: IEEE 754, interval arithmetic (P1788), POSIX. I am one of the main developers of the GNU MPFR library (arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic with correct rounding), on which I started to work when I was at Loria.

My Web Pages

My blog associated with these web pages.

My Publications

You can see the list of my publications (with a link to the publication if it is available on the web) or download it in the bibtex format.

Our book Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic, second edition (on the publisher's site). See also this page with links and errata and the first edition.


Information about the file formats of my slides.